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[kurobox-pro][Initialize]memo for my stuck point


Q:Nothing is shown on console when I plug in serial console?

A:You should swing connect part up, down, left and right.

Q: Garbled characters are shown on console when I plug in serial console?

A:You should set baud rate to 115200 at first.
If it doesn’t work, you should swing connect part up, down, left and right.

Q:How to initialize farmware?

A:See the web page below.
How to initialize

Q:Kurobox-pro tries to boot with TFTP after initializing farmware

A:See the web page below.
How to solve the problem about TFTP1
How to solve the problem about TFTP2

Q:How can I change the IP address?

A:See the web page below.
How to change IP address



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