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[Haskell]Make PGM File part1

Table of Contents

What I want to do

I’ll output PGM file with Haskell to do Image Processing.


At first only header output.
main = do
    -- PGM Header
    let pgm_type = "P5\n"
    let pgm_comment = "# PGM type grayscale image\n"
    let pgm_size = (255,255)
    let pgm_max_brightness = 255

    let pgm_size_string = (show (fst pgm_size)) ++ " " ++ (show (snd pgm_size)) ++ "\n"
    let pgm_max_brightness_string = (show pgm_max_brightness) ++ "\n"
    let pgm_header = pgm_type ++ pgm_comment ++ pgm_size_string ++ pgm_max_brightness_string
    -- Main
    writeFile "test.pgm" pgm_header
Compile and run.
$ghc pgm.hs
$cat test.pgm
# PGM type grayscale image
255 255

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