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[Haskell]Banana-Split Law part1

What I want to do

I want to implement an example of banana-split law.


I didn’t know how to ouptut tuple with foldr, I quited to implement it.
After following implementation, collecting foldr for only one makes the script be an example of banana-split law.
-- Before
sum' = foldr (\x xs -> x + xs) 0
length' = foldr (\x n -> 1 + n) 0
average ls = sum' ls / length' ls

-- After
average' ls = s / l
        (s, l) = ((foldr (\x xs -> x + xs) 0) ls, (foldr (\x n -> 1 + n) 0) ls)


After all, I’ll run the script.
Prelude> :load banana-strip.hs
Main> average' [1,2,3,4,5]

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