We can draw charts with Go lang using Plotinum.I’ll draw a chart with the library.
It’s easy. Just type following command.go get code.google.com/p/plotinum/...
Sample Program

I’ll try to draw a chart represents following formula.
w is white Gaussian noise with N(1, 0.05) (average is 1 and variance is 0.05).
package main import ( "code.google.com/p/plotinum/plot" "code.google.com/p/plotinum/plotter" "image/color" "math/rand" "math" ) // Generate Gaussian white noise by Box-Mullar Transform func normalRand(mu, sigma float64) float64 { z := math.Sqrt(-2.0 * math.Log(rand.Float64())) * math.Sin(2.0 * math.Pi * rand.Float64()) return sigma*z + mu } // Make sequence of numbers with common difference func linspace(start, end float64, n int, x plotter.XYs) { for i := 0; i < n; i++ { t := float64(i) / float64(n-1) x[i].X = (1.0 - t) * start + t * end } } func main() { //=================================================== // Make observed points rand.Seed(int64(0)) // Prepare X axis of observed points n := 50 answer := make(plotter.XYs, n) linspace(-3, 3, n, answer) // make observed points pix := make([]float64, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { pix[i] = math.Pi * answer[i].X } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { answer[i].Y = math.Sin(pix[i]) / pix[i] + 0.1 * answer[i].X + normalRand(1.0, 0.05) } //==================================================== // Graph Setting // Create a new plot, set its title and axis labels p, err := plot.New() if err != nil { panic(err) } p.Title.Text = "Plotinum Sample" p.X.Label.Text = "X" p.Y.Label.Text = "Y" p.Add(plotter.NewGrid()) // Make a scatter plotter and set its style // Make a line plotter with points and set its style. lpLine, lpPoints, err := plotter.NewLinePoints(answer) if err != nil { panic(err) } lpLine.Color = color.RGBA{G: 255, A: 255} lpPoints.Shape = plot.PyramidGlyph{} lpPoints.Color = color.RGBA{R: 255, A: 255} // Add data and legend p.Add(lpPoints) p.Legend.Add("observed points", lpPoints) // Save the plot to a PNG file. if err := p.Save(4, 4, "sample.png"); err != nil { panic(err) } }