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Create profile part fit with the thema on WordPress

I wanted to make a part of self-introduction on WordPress side bar. Then I googled how to make it and I found a good site. WordPress上にプロフィールを表示してみよう I wrote some source code on sidebar.php following the site to fit the theme.
<div class="widget-top"></div>
  <div class="sideProfile">
    <div class="sideProfileContent">
      <b><i><?php the_author_meta('nickname'); ?></i></b><br />
      <?php the_author_meta('description'); ?>
<div class="widget-bottom"></div>
And then I also wrote css code on style.css.
.sideProfile {
   background: #784800 url( images/sw-wrapper-bg.png );
   color: #eccfa0;
   padding-left: 20px;
   padding-right: 20px;
   font-size: 11px;
   background:url("myface.jpg") no-repeat left;
   background-position: 10px 10px;
   padding: 0px 0px 0px 80px;
The result is like this.
Looks nice♪

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