Make a system to monitor source files, do tests, compile and minify when the files are updated.We can realize it using grunt.
Let’s install modules with package.json and “npm install”.Following grunt are needed.
{ "name": "sample", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts": { "start": "node app.js" }, "dependencies": { "mocha": "1.14.0", "chai": "*", "coffee-script": "1.6.3", "sinon": "1.7.3", "grunt": "0.4.2", "grunt-cli": "0.1.11", "grunt-contrib-watch": "0.5.3", "grunt-coffeelint": "0.0.7", "grunt-contrib-coffee": "0.7.0", "grunt-simple-mocha": "0.4.0", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "0.2.7" } }
Following is Grunt config file.module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.initConfig pkg: grunt.file.readJSON 'package.json' coffeelint: app: files: src: [ 'models/*.coffee' 'specs/*.coffee' ] simplemocha: all: src: ['specs/*.coffee'] options: reporter: 'nyan' ui: 'bdd' coffee: compile: files: [ 'libs/something.js': 'models/', 'libs/something2.js': 'models/' ] options: bare: yes uglify: compress_target: options: sourceMap: (fileName) -> fileName.replace /\.js$/, '' files: [ expand: true, cwd: 'libs/', src: ['*.js'], dest: 'libs/', ext: '.min.js' ] watch: scripts: files: [ 'models/*.coffee' 'specs/*.coffee' ] tasks: [ #'coffeelint' 'coffee' 'simplemocha' 'uglify' ] options: interrupt: yes grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-coffeelint' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-simple-mocha' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-coffee' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-watch' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-uglify' grunt.registerTask 'default', [ #'coffeelint' 'coffee' 'simplemocha' 'uglify' ]
Following watch part is monitoring scripts: files: [ 'models/*.coffee' 'specs/*.coffee' ] tasks: [ #'coffeelint' 'coffee' 'simplemocha' 'uglify' ] options: interrupt: yes
“files” specialize files for monitoring.
“tasks” specialize tasks which are done when files are updated.
Following part is compiling coffee compile: files: [ 'libs/something.js': 'models/', 'libs/something2.js': 'models/' ] options: bare: yes
Left part of “:” in files is path of output compiled file.
Right part of “:” in files is compile target;
Following is test part.“src:” part specializes mocha test file.
simplemocha: all: src: ['specs/*.coffee'] options: reporter: 'nyan' ui: 'bdd'
Following part is minifying source code.Files of src in cwd are output to dest path.
The files extension is ext.
uglify: compress_target: options: sourceMap: (fileName) -> fileName.replace /\.js$/, '' files: [ expand: true, cwd: 'libs/', src: ['*.js'], dest: 'libs/', ext: '.min.js' ]
Terminal shows like following when source files are updated with grunt watch command.$grunt watch Waiting... OK >> File "specs/" changed. Running "coffee:compile" (coffee) task File libs/something1.js created. File libs/something2.js created. Running "simplemocha:all" (simplemocha) task 5 -_-_-__,------, 0 -_-_-__| /\_/\ 0 -_-_-_~|_( ^ .^) -_-_-_ "" "" 5 passing (66ms) Running "uglify:compress_target" (uglify) task Source Map "libs/" created. File "libs/something1.min.js" created. Source Map "libs/" created. File "libs/something1.min.js" created. Done, without errors. Completed in 2.046s at Sun Nov 24 2013 18:14:35 GMT+0900 (JST) - Waiting...