# Install JDK
# Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-22-ug/amazon-linux-install.html
sudo yum install java-22-amazon-corretto-headless
# Install SDKMAN
# Ref: https://sdkman.io/
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
exec $SHELL -l
# Install Gradle
sdk install gradle
# Create Gradle's project
mkdir sample_project
cd sample_project
gradle init --use-defaults --type java-application
./gradlew build
./gradlew run
# Install library
# edit src/build.gradle.kts
# ex) implementation("software.amazon.awssdk.iotdevicesdk:aws-iot-device-sdk:1.19.1")
./gradlew build
- Programming
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Memo of How to Build Java Develop Environment
Since I don’t use Java usually, when I use Java I check how to build develop environment every time. So, I’ll make a note of this.