object PancakeSort { def main(args: Array[String]) { // Prepare input values val arr = List(23, 10, 20, 11, 12, 6, 7) // Do pancake sort val result = pancakeSort((for(x <- 0 to arr.size-1) yield (x, arr(x))).toList, arr.size) // Output the result println("Input") arr.foreach(x => println(x)) println("Output:") result.foreach(x => println(x._2)) } def pancakeSort(arr: List[(Int, Int)], n:Int):List[(Int, Int)] = { // Apply flip operator from idx 0th to nth if (n <= 0) return arr else return pancakeSort(flips(arr.filter(x => x._1 <= n)) ::: arr.filter(x => x._1 > n), n-1) } def flips(arr: List[(Int, Int)]):List[(Int, Int)] = { // Get index of max value val max_index = arr.reduceLeft{ (a,b) => if (a._2 > b._2) (a._1, a._2) else (b._1, b._2) }._1 // Place max value to tail val tmp_arr = (arr.filter(a => a._1 <= max_index).reverse ::: arr.filter(a => a._1 > max_index)).reverse // Refine value's index return (for (x <- 0 to tmp_arr.size-1) yield (x, tmp_arr(x)._2)).toList } }
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