Node.js に関するアドベントカレンダーです。 Node.js Advent Calendar 2016 - Qiita - Qiita |
nodejs-batch-sample - My sample code of Node.js batch zuqqhi2/nodejs-batch-sample - GitHub |
Watch task monitors source codes and do some registered tasks when the codes are changed. In this gulpfile, watch task runs ‘unit test’ and ‘link’. About link, I use eslint with airbnb style. But, airbnb style doesn’t care Node.js, I mean sever side, so I also add eslint-plugin-node.gulp = require 'gulp' eslint = require 'gulp-eslint' plumber = require 'gulp-plumber' mocha = require 'gulp-mocha' gutil = require 'gulp-util' istanbul = require 'gulp-istanbul' files = src: './src/*.js' spec: './test/*.js' gulp.task 'lint', -> gulp.src files.src .pipe plumber() .pipe eslint() .pipe eslint.format() .pipe eslint.failAfterError() gulp.task 'test', -> gulp.src files.spec .pipe plumber() .pipe mocha({ reporter: 'list' }) .on('error', gutil.log) gulp.task 'pre-coverage', -> gulp.src files.src .pipe plumber() .pipe(istanbul()) .pipe(istanbul.hookRequire()) gulp.task 'coverage', ['pre-coverage'], -> gulp.src files.spec .pipe plumber() .pipe(mocha({reporter: "xunit-file", timeout: "5000"})) .pipe(istanbul.writeReports('coverage')) .pipe(istanbul.enforceThresholds({ thresholds: { global: 60 } })) gulp.task 'watch', -> files.src, ['test', 'lint'] files.spec, ['test']
javascript - JavaScript Style Guide airbnb/javascript - GitHub |
Link task result is like following.{ "extends": ["airbnb", "plugin:node/recommended", "eslint:recommended"], "plugins": ["node"], "env": { "node": true }, "rules": { } }
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp lint [08:57:09] Requiring external module coffee-script/register [08:57:10] Using gulpfile ~/nodejs-batch-sample/ [08:57:10] Starting 'lint'... [08:57:11] ~/nodejs-batch-sample/src/redis-client.js 69:15 error Missing trailing comma comma-dangle 84:58 error Missing semicolon semi 88:21 error Strings must use singlequote quotes 91:23 error Strings must use singlequote quotes 95:34 error Expected '===' and instead saw '==' eqeqeq 98:1 error Trailing spaces not allowed no-trailing-spaces 101:4 error Missing trailing comma comma-dangle ✖ 7 problems (7 errors, 0 warnings) [08:57:11] 'lint' errored after 768 ms [08:57:11] ESLintError in plugin 'gulp-eslint'
Entry point script is always same flow.// ===== Preparing =============================== // Libraries const Async = require('async'); const Log4js = require('log4js'); const Mailer = require('nodemailer'); const CommandLineArgs = require('command-line-args'); // Dependent classes const FakableRedisClient = require('./fakable-redis-client'); const KeyValueReader = require('./key-value-reader'); // Logger Log4js.configure('./config/logging.json'); const logger = Log4js.getLogger(); // Command line arguments const optionDefinitions = [ { name: 'env', alias: 'e', type: String }, { name: 'fakeredis', alias: 'f', type: Boolean }, ]; const cmdOptions = CommandLineArgs(optionDefinitions); const targetEnv = cmdOptions.env ? cmdOptions.env : 'staging'; const fakeRedisFlg = cmdOptions.fakeredis;'[Option]');' > targetEnv :', targetEnv);' > fakeRedisFlg :', fakeRedisFlg); // App config const conf = require('../config/app_config.json')[targetEnv]; if (!conf) { logger.error('Please add', targetEnv, 'setting for app_config'); process.exit(1); } // Alert mail func const transporter = Mailer.createTransport(conf.alertMail.smtpUrl); const sendAlertMail = (err, callback) => { const msg = err.message; const stackStr = err.stack; const mailOptions = { from: conf.alertMail.from, to:, subject: conf.alertMail.subject, text: conf.alertMail.text }; mailOptions.subject = mailOptions.subject.replace(/#{msg}/g, msg); mailOptions.text = mailOptions.text.replace(/#{msg}/g, msg); mailOptions.text = mailOptions.text.replace(/#{stack}/g, stackStr); transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (e) => { if (e) logger.error(err); callback(); }); }; // Function when it catches fatal error process.on('uncaughtException', (e) => { logger.error(e); sendAlertMail(e, (() => { process.exit(1); })); }); // ===== Main Logic =============================='START ALL'); // Initialize classes const redisCli = new FakableRedisClient( conf.redis.hostname, conf.redis.port, conf.redis.password, logger, fakeRedisFlg ); const keyValueReader = new KeyValueReader(conf.keyValueFilePath); Async.waterfall([ // 1. Redis Authentication (callback) => {'START Redis Authentication'); redisCli.auth(callback); }, // 2. Insert all mapping got by 1st step (callback) => {'FINISH Redis Authentication');'START Upload Key-Value Data'); // Define function const expireSec = conf.redis.expireDay * 24 * 60 * 60; const processFunc = (key, value, processLineNum, skipFlg) => { const keyName = conf.redis.keyPrefix + key; if (skipFlg) { logger.warn(' > Skip : key=>', keyName, 'value=>', value); } else { if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1 <= 1) {' > Key/Value/Expire(sec) sampling(0.1%):', keyName, value, expireSec); } redisCli.set(keyName, value); redisCli.expire(keyName, expireSec); if (processLineNum % 10 === 0), 'are processed...'); } }; // Read key-value data and upload them to Redis keyValueReader.executeForEach(processFunc, callback); } ], (e, result) => {'FINISH Upload Key-Value Data'); if (e) {'Finished to insert:', result); logger.error(e); sendAlertMail(e, (() => { process.exit(1); })); } else {'Finished to insert:', result);'FINISH ALL'); process.exit(0); } });
And here is config file.{ "appenders": [ { "type": "console" } ] }
This log4js setting is just output to stdout. And compression and rotation are done by logrotate(I didn’t put logrotate setting file to the repository). In the sample code, business logic part is consist of FakableRedisClient class and KyeValueReader class. For unit test, main part just call method of classes. I’ll show you classes and its unit test from next.{ "staging" : { "keyValueFilePath" : "./data/key-value.dat", "redis": { "ip": "stg-sample", "port": 6379, "password": "nodejs", "keyPrefix" : "key-", "expireDay": 1 }, "alertMail": { "smtpUrl": "smtp://", "from": "", "to": "", "subject": "[STG][ERROR][update-mapping] #{msg} @stg-host", "text": "[Stack Trace]\n #{msg} \n #{stack} \n[Common Trouble Shooting Doc About This Batch]\n" } }, "production": { "keyValueFilePath" : "./data/key-value.dat", "redis": { "ip": "pro-sample", "port": 6379, "password": "nodejs", "keyPrefix" : "key-", "expireDay": 7 }, "alertMail": { "smtpUrl": "smtp://", "from": "", "to": "", "subject": "[ERROR][update-mapping] #{msg} @pro-host", "text": "[Stack Trace]\n #{msg} \n #{stack} \n[Common Trouble Shooting Doc About This Batch]\n" } } }
This class uses fakeredis as mock of Redis. When a argument is set, the class uses mock. Here is unit test code. Mock flag is always on because unit test should run everywhere.const Redis = require('redis'); const FakeRedis = require('fakeredis'); class FakableRedisClient { /** * Setting parameters and create Redis client instance * @param {string} hostname - Redis server host name * @param {number} port - Redis server port number * @param {string} password - Redis server password * @param {Object} logger - logger for error logging * @param {boolean} fakeFlg - if it's true, use fake */ constructor(hostname, port, password, logger, fakeFlg) { this.logger = logger; this.password = password; this.redisFactory = Redis; this.client = undefined; if (fakeFlg) this.redisFactory = FakeRedis; // Validation if (!/^[0-9a-z.-_]+$/.test(hostname)) return; if (isNaN(port)) return; // Create instance of redis client try { this.client = this.redisFactory.createClient(port, hostname); this.client.on('error', (e) => { this.logger.error(e); }); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(e); this.client = undefined; } } /** * Authentication * @param {Object} callback - callback function which is called at the end */ auth(callback) { const logger = this.logger; this.client.auth(this.password, (e) => { if (e) { logger.error(e); callback(e); } else { callback(null); } }); } /** * Set key-value pair * @param {string} key - key-value's key * @param {string} value - key-value's value */ set(key, value) { this.client.set(key, value); } /** * Set key-value expire * @param {string} key - key which will be set expire * @param {number} expireSec - expire seconds */ expire(key, expireSec) { this.client.expire(key, expireSec); } get(key, callback) { this.client.get(key, (e, value) => { if (e) { this.logger.error(e); callback(e, null); } else { callback(null, value); } }); } } module.exports = FakableRedisClient;
const Chai = require('chai'); const Log4js = require('log4js'); const assert = Chai.assert const expect = Chai.expect Chai.should() const FakableRedisClient = require('../src/fakable-redis-client'); Log4js.configure('./test/config/logging.json'); logger = Log4js.getLogger(); // Redis setting for unit test const hostname = ''; const port = 6379; const password = 'test'; const invalidHostname = '(^_^;)'; const invalidPort = 'abc'; describe('FakableRedisClient', () => { describe('constructor', () => { it('should set client', () => { const client = new FakableRedisClient(hostname, port, password, logger, true); client.password.should.equal(password);; }); it('should not set client', () => { const client1 = new FakableRedisClient(invalidHostname, port, password, logger, true); const client2 = new FakableRedisClient(hostname, invalidPort, password, logger, true); client1.password.should.equal(password); expect(client1.client).equal(undefined); client2.password.should.equal(password); expect(client2.client).equal(undefined); }); }); describe('auth', () => { it('should success authentication', (done) => { const client = new FakableRedisClient(hostname, port, password, logger, true); client.auth((e) => { expect(e).equal(null); done(); }); }); }); describe('set', () => { it('should get abcdef0', (done) => { const testKey = 'test'; const testValue = 'abcdef0'; const client = new FakableRedisClient(hostname, port, password, logger, true); client.set(testKey, testValue); client.get(testKey, (e, result) => { result.should.equal(testValue); done(); }); }); }); describe('expire', () => { it("shouldn't get the value after 1.1 sec", (done) => { const testKey = 'test'; const testValue = 'abcdef0'; const expireSec = 1; const client = new FakableRedisClient(hostname, port, password, logger, true); client.set(testKey, testValue); client.expire(testKey, expireSec); setTimeout(() => { client.get(testKey, (e, result) => { expect(result).equal(null); done(); }); }, 1100); }); }); });
I always use lazy to read file because lazy can read big file since stream reading. And for each line, the function call a function which is passed. This style is easy to write unit test and generic, I think.const Fs = require('fs'); const Lazy = require('lazy'); class KeyValueReader { /** * Set file path * @param {string} filePath - set file path to read */ constructor(filePath) { this.filePath = /^[0-9a-zA-Z/_.-]+$/.test(filePath) ? filePath : ''; } /** * Read each lines and run function * @param {Object} processFunc - function which is called for each lines * @param {Object} callback - function which is called at the end */ executeForEach(processFunc, callback) { let processLineNum = 0; const readStream = Fs.createReadStream(this.filePath, { bufferSize: 256 * 1024 }); try { new Lazy(readStream).lines.forEach((line) => { let skipFlg = false; // Get key value const keyValueData = line.toString().split('\t'); const key = keyValueData[0]; const value = keyValueData[1]; if (!/^[0-9a-z]+$/.test(key) || !/^[0-9a-z]+$/.test(value)) skipFlg = true; processLineNum += !skipFlg ? 1 : 0; processFunc(key, value, processLineNum, skipFlg); }).on('pipe', () => { callback(null, processLineNum) }); } catch (e) { callback(e); } } } module.exports = KeyValueReader;
const Chai = require('chai'); const Log4js = require('log4js'); const assert = Chai.assert const expect = Chai.expect Chai.should() const KeyValueReader = require('../src/key-value-reader'); Log4js.configure('./test/config/logging.json'); logger = Log4js.getLogger(); const filePath = './test/data/key-value.dat'; const invalidFilePath = 'f(^o^;)'; describe('KeyValueReader', () => { describe('constructor', () => { it('should set filePath', () => { const reader = new KeyValueReader(filePath); reader.filePath.should.equal(filePath); }); it('should not set filePath', () => { const reader = new KeyValueReader(invalidFilePath); reader.filePath.should.equal(''); }); }); describe('executeForEach', () => { it('should call callback without err', (done) => { const reader =new KeyValueReader(filePath); const expected = [ {'key' : 'abc', 'value' : '123', 'skipFlg' : false, 'processLineNum' : 1}, {'key' : 'm(_ _)m', 'value' : 'orz', 'skipFlg' : true, 'processLineNum' : 1}, {'key' : 'def', 'value' : '456', 'skipFlg' : false, 'processLineNum' : 2}, {'key' : '012', 'value' : 'xyz', 'skipFlg' : false, 'processLineNum' : 3} ]; let counter = 0; processFunc = (key, value, processLineNum, skipFlg) => { key.should.equal(expected[counter]['key']); value.should.equal(expected[counter]['value']); skipFlg.should.equal(expected[counter]['skipFlg']); processLineNum.should.equal(expected[counter]['processLineNum']); counter += 1; }; reader.executeForEach(processFunc, () => { done(); } ); }); }); });
Following is result of the script.#!/bin/bash source ~/.bashrc nvm use v6.9.1 cd /path/to/appdir node --optimize_for_size --max_old_space_size=8192 --gc_interval=1000 ./src/update-mapping.js --env $1 $2
After checking this result, I add a job to cron and set logrotate.$ ./ staging --fakeredis >> ./log/update-mapping.log 2>&1 $ cat ./log/update-mapping.log Now using node v6.9.1 (npm v3.10.8) [2016-12-22 12:24:30.234] [INFO] [default] - [Option] [2016-12-22 12:24:30.239] [INFO] [default] - > targetEnv : staging [2016-12-22 12:24:30.240] [INFO] [default] - > fakeRedisFlg : true [2016-12-22 12:24:30.246] [INFO] [default] - START ALL [2016-12-22 12:24:30.250] [INFO] [default] - START Redis Authentication [2016-12-22 12:24:30.308] [INFO] [default] - FINISH Redis Authentication [2016-12-22 12:24:30.308] [INFO] [default] - START Upload Key-Value Data [2016-12-22 12:24:30.317] [WARN] [default] - > Skip : key=> key-m(_ _)m value=> orz [2016-12-22 12:24:30.318] [INFO] [default] - 10 'are processed...' [2016-12-22 12:24:30.322] [INFO] [default] - FINISH Upload Key-Value Data [2016-12-22 12:24:30.322] [INFO] [default] - Finished to insert: 10 [2016-12-22 12:24:30.322] [INFO] [default] - FINISH ALL
Streamlit is a …
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First time visiting your website, I like it!
Thank you!