Above queries are for a Hive table which has Partition. So, Partition’s Location is also changed. But of course we don’t need it for non Partition table. When we select Partition in Alter Table, we can use not only “=” but also “>=”, “<>” and etc. Those are very useful for many Partition table.ALTER TABLE old_dummy_table SET TBLPROPERTIES ( 'EXTERNAL'='FALSE'); ALTER TABLE old_dummy_table SET LOCATION "hdfs:///user/zuqqhi2/tmp/dummy"; ALTER TABLE old_dummy_table PARTITION (service_id = "1", dt >= "2019-01-01") SET LOCATION "hdfs:///user/zuqqhi2/tmp/dummy"; ALTER TABLE old_dummy_table DROP PARTITION (service_id = "1", dt >= "2019-01-01"); DROP TABLE old_dummy_table;
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