Deploy App Under A Path With AWS Amplify Console + Nuxt.js

I wanted to do hosting Nuxt.js application under test directory (like with AWS Amplify Console. But, I couldn’t find an article how to do it and I tried with some ways. Finally I found that Amplify Console redirect function and Nuxt.js generate.dir property can be a solution. I think they are basic one but I was not familiar with them. I referred to the following web site for setting up environment and hosting Nuxt.js app on Amplify Console. (npm install 、amplify configure 、npx create-nuxt-app 、npm run dev 、 npm run generate 、amplify init 、amplify add hosting 、amplify publish command parts. Sorry the web site is Japanese.)
AWS でWebアプリ作る機会があったので、色々調べるとAmplifyが便利そうだったので使ってみました。今回作成するアプリの主な機能は以下:NuxtベースのTODOアプリLambda使ったGraphQLのAPIDyna...
AWS Amplify & Nuxt 使って爆速でWebアプリ作る - Qiita - Qiita

Rewrite With Redirect Function

First one is rewriting path using Amplify Console Redirect function. To change base URL, modifying router.base in nuxt.config.js.
import colors from 'vuetify/es5/util/colors'
export default {
  router: {
     base: '/test/'
To build and deploy, please run “npm run generate” and “amplify publish” commands. After deploy, you cannot see the page correctly with “https://dev.<APP ID>” and “https://dev.<APP ID>”. Then, after adding a rule with the following setting, you can see the page correctly.
  • Source address : /test/<*>
  • Target address : /<*>
  • Type : 200 (Rewrite)
Please access to “https://dev.<APP ID>” (please clear browser cache).

generate.dir Property

Changing generate.dir property in nuxt.config.js like the following allows us to deploy files under “/test/”.
import colors from 'vuetify/es5/util/colors'
export default {
  router: {
     base: '/test/'
  generate: {
    dir: 'dist/test'
Please change img tag src URL to “/test/vuetify-logo.svg” in components/VuetifyLogo.vue to correct Vuetify logo path. Please build with clearning dist directory like following (please remove redirect rule if amplify console has /test/<*> rule). After that, you can see the page correctly.
rm -r dist
npm run generate
amplify publish