Try to develop function which binarize image with Proof Driven Development.
Try to develop function which binarize image with Proof Driven Development.
Define binarization function with Coq.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Fixpoint binarize (l : list nat)(th : nat) : list nat :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| x::xs => if leb th x then 255 :: (binarize xs th) else 0 :: (binarize xs th)
I think following things are needed for proofing.
- Same element number with the list and the list after applying function.
- The list which is applied the function has only 2 type value 0 or 255.
I’ll prove them from next.
Define binarization function with Coq.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Fixpoint binarize (l : list nat)(th : nat) : list nat :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| x::xs => if leb th x then 255 :: (binarize xs th) else 0 :: (binarize xs th)
I think following things are needed for proofing.
- Same element number with the list and the list after applying function.
- The list which is applied the function has only 2 type value 0 or 255.
I’ll prove them from next.