Point2D = require('../src/point2d').Point2D
describe "Point2D", ->
p1 = undefined
p2 = undefined
p3 = undefined
p4 = undefined
p5 = undefined
p6 = undefined
beforeEach ->
p1 = new Point2D(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, undefined)
p2 = new Point2D(100, 200, 30, 2.0, 2.0, "test", 640, 480, undefined)
p3 = new Point2D(5, 200, 30, 2.0, 2.0, "test", 640, 480, undefined)
p4 = new Point2D(630, 200, 30, 2.0, 2.0, "test", 640, 480, undefined)
p5 = new Point2D(100, 10, 30, 2.0, 2.0, "test", 640, 480, undefined)
p6 = new Point2D(100, 470, 30, 2.0, 2.0, "test", 640, 480, undefined)
it "should be x and y axis value are 0", ->
expect(p1.x).toEqual 0
expect(p1.y).toEqual 0
expect(p1.r).toEqual 0
expect(p1.vx).toEqual 0
expect(p1.vy).toEqual 0
expect(p1.wnd_width).toEqual 0
expect(p1.wnd_height).toEqual 0
expect(p1.label).toEqual ""
it "should be x and y axis value are 5, 10", ->
expect(p2.x).toEqual 100
expect(p2.y).toEqual 200
expect(p2.r).toEqual 30
expect(p2.vx).toEqual 2.0
expect(p2.vy).toEqual 2.0
expect(p2.wnd_width).toEqual 640
expect(p2.wnd_height).toEqual 480
expect(p2.label).toEqual "test"
it "should add velocity for x and y to 102.0 and 202.0", ->
expect(p2.x).toEqual 102.0
expect(p2.y).toEqual 202.0
it "should reflect with left side", ->
expect(p3.x).toEqual 30
expect(p3.vx).toEqual -2.0
it "should reflect with right side", ->
expect(p4.x).toEqual 610
expect(p4.vx).toEqual -2.0
it "should reflect with left side", ->
expect(p5.y).toEqual 30
expect(p5.vy).toEqual -2.0
it "should reflect with left side", ->
expect(p6.y).toEqual 450
expect(p6.vy).toEqual -2.0
さて、後は多次元尺度構成法のアルゴリズムを乗っければ完成だ。I want to watch a statistical algorithm’s behavior, so I wrote animation program with Coffee Script and Canvas on HTML5 before it.