Self-driving cars are transformational technology, on the cutting-edge of robotics, machine learning, and engineering. Learn online with Udacity. Become a Self-Driving Car Engineer - |
Title | Content |
Created by | Udacity (Partners are Mercedes-Benz, NVIDIA, OTTO, DiDi, Mclaren, NEXTEV) |
Language | English |
E-Learning site | Udacity |
Fee | 217,674 JPY with 6 month access as of 2020/09 |
Summary | This course covers some points of Censer, Machine Learning/AI(DeepLearning, A*, etc.), Image Processing, Control Theory(PID, Kalman Filter, etc.), ROS, Software Architecture for Self-Driving Car. Projects provide Self-Driving Car simulator and we can try to make a car drive in a simulator with coding. Capstone project provides real Udacity’s Self-Driving Car simulation(as of 2020/09/10, it’s stopped because of COVID-19). |
Assignment environment | python, jupyter notebook, c++, ROS, etc. (Udacity provides an environment and we can use it through web browser) |
Completed date | 2020/09/10 |
How long it takes for | Around 3 years because of work. Around 10 months if I’m not busy. |
My rating | ★★★★★ |
Reason | This course is very interesting in a tech point of view because Self-Driving Car requires many fields of tech. This is Udacity Nanodegree program, so Udacity member reviews our codes for project. I think even if finishing this course more study is required to work with Self-Driving Car, but this course provides first step. |
Title | Content |
Created by | Udacity |
Language | English |
E-Learning site | Udacity |
Fee | Around $400(I forgot and looks not easy to find the price.) |
Summary | This course covers from fundamental of deep learning and some new models like GAN. |
Assignment environment | python, scikit-learn, jupyter notebook(self development environment) |
Completed date | 2017/06/12 |
How long it takes for | Around 5 months |
My rating | ★★★★★ |
Reason | This lecture covers wide area of machine learning including deep concept part. And I can get feedback from real machine learning engineer. And then, I can get Nanodegree when I complete. Please care you cannot get certificate if you cannot finish the course within 6 month. |
Title | Content |
Created by | Geoffrey Hinton(University of Toronto) |
Language | English |
E-Learning site | Coursera |
Fee | $49 |
Summary | From perceptron to deep Learning including not only introduction but also some methods and models like Pre-training and Deep auto encoder. This course covers many models in detail. So, some of contents are difficult to understand compared with other courses. |
Assignment environment | Octave |
Completed date | 2017/04/23 |
How long it takes for | Around 5 months |
My rating | ★★★☆☆ |
Reason | Contents were very interested. But, I couldn’t understand whole because some parts are difficult to understand for me. I guess I’m not familiar with this course’s lecture style. |
Title | Content |
Created by | Amarnath Gupta, Mai Nguyen, Ilkay Altintas(UC San Diego) |
Language | English |
E-Learning site | Coursera |
Fee | Around $600(I forgot and looks not easy to find the price.) |
Summary | Fundamental of Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HBase, Hue, Spark(MlLib), Neo4j, Splunk, KNIME and its application for data analysis for virtual game application.There are 7 courses(6 lecture courses and 1 capistone project course). |
Assignment environment | Cloudera VM(Hadoop,Hive,Pig,HBase,Hue,Spark(python,scala)), Splunk Client(Splunk), local develop environment(Neo4j, KNIME). For me, I prepared following environment. Cloudera and neo4j docker image(Hadoop,Hive,Pig,HBase,Hue,Spark,Neo4j), Splunk Cloud(Splunk), my windows environment(KNIME). |
Completed date | 2016/12/25 |
How long it takes for | Around 6 months |
My rating | ★★★★☆ |
Reason | These courses includes Big data softwares, graph database and machine learning shallow and wide including hadoop, hive, pig and spark core concept(like map reduce, RDD and DAG). I tried to use spark and Neo4j, so these courses are interested for me. The capistone project is making document for data analysis result and recommendation for increasing revenue of virtual game application. Setting my hypothesis and checking it with data analysis were kind of same real situation. And these courses use peer-evaluation system for assignment. So, I could learn something from other participants result. |
Title | Content |
Created by | BrainPad and others(I forgot and couldn’t find this information anymore) |
Language | Japanese |
Fee | Free |
E-Learning site | gacco |
Summary | Fundamental of Statistic using Excel |
Assignment environment | Excel |
Completed date | 2016/06/24 |
How long it takes for | Around 1 month |
My rating | ★★☆☆☆ |
Reason | Lecture is easy to understand and there are some good assignments. But I wanted to learn more deep parts. |
Title | Content |
Created by | |
Language | English |
E-Learning site | Udacity |
Fee | Free |
Summary | Fundamental of deep learning using Tensorflow(from solving MNIST with 3-layered neural net to LSTM) |
Assignment environment | Official Tensorflow Docker container |
Completed date | 2016/06/09 |
How long it takes for | Around 1 month |
My rating | ★★★☆☆ |
Reason | Contents are very interesting and there are programming assignment. But, I wanted more volume and no official answers about assingments. |
Title | Content |
Created by | Andrew Ng(Stanford University) |
Language | English(Japanese subtitles) |
E-Learning site | Coursera |
Fee | Free |
Summary | Fundamental of machine learning(like what is machine learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, how to evaluate models) |
Assignment environment | Octave |
Completed date | 2016/04/16 |
How long it takes for | Around 3 months |
My rating | ★★★★☆ |
Reason | Easy to understand and interesting. And there were sophisticated programming assignments(I could evaluate my answers). Very high quality free machine learning course. |
Learn the essence of "Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference", part 2 - Free Course 画像処理と3次元幾何:コンピュータビジョン基礎2 - Udemy - Udemy |
Title | Content |
Created by | Toru Tamaki |
Language | Japanese |
E-Learning site | Udemy |
Fee | Free |
Summary | Image processing and 3D computer vision |
Assignment environment | Only manual calculation |
Completed date | 2016/03/21 |
How long it takes for | Around 3 months |
My rating | ★★★☆☆ |
Reason | Easy to understand and interesting. But I wanted to do some programming assignments. |
Learn essence of "Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference" - Free Course ベイズ推定とグラフィカルモデル:コンピュータビジョン基礎1 - Udemy - Udemy |
Title | Content |
Created by | Toru Tamaki |
Language | Japanese |
E-Learning site | Udemy |
Fee | Free |
Summary | Machine learning methods using probability(from base concept to some applications) |
Assignment environment | No assignment(except quiz) |
Completed date | 2014/12/19 |
How long | Around 3 months |
My rating | ★★★☆☆ |
Reason | Easy to understand and interesting. But I wanted to do some programming assignments. |